Gyengénlátó Változat

Comparative social network analysis (SNA) of FP7 and Horizon 2020 projects on remote sensing


As part of the data collection, data from all FP7 and Horizon 2020 projects were downloaded from the CORDIS data tables and converted into a relational table. After data cleaning and linking the tables, we queried the remote sensing projects of the two programmes, mapped the network of project participants in the two programmes, and compared the network indicators and the distributions of degree rates. A scale freedom of degrees seems to be a relevant assumption.

Author: Zsolt TÓTH

Full text:

In: Márfai, Molnár László; Pásztory, Zoltán (szerk.)  Az alkalmazott művészet létmódjai és a kreatív ipar kihívásai napjainkban, Sopron, Magyarország: Soproni Egyetem Kiadó (2023) 366 p., pp. 321-329.

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