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Application areas of drones: Exploratory research from residential and corporate perspectives


UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), aerial robots, drones - whatever you call them, there is no doubt that their popularity has grown at an astonishing rate in recent years. Although for a very long time they were only seen at military bases and in movies, drones have now conquered the consumer market and revolutionised many industrial sectors.

Today, drones are frequently used not only for military missions but also for simple everyday tasks. Whether it's for rapid parcel delivery, aerial damage assessment or even scientific projects, these remote-controlled flying devices offer a whole new range of possibilities for both everyday users and specialists.

The paper is based on the review of the relevant literature and aims to explain the fields of application regarding the various flying devices.


Authors: Bendegúz NYIKOS – Astrid IONESCU (2022)

Full text:

Társadalom – Gazdaság - Természet: Szinergiák a fenntartható fejlődésben (Nemzetközi tudományos konferencia a Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe alkalmából). Soproni Egyetem Kiadó, Sopron, pp. 286-294. ISBN 9789633344507

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